10 research outputs found

    Uji Aktivitas Antiaging Invitro Lavender Body Butter

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    Abstract : Lavender, Body Butter, Antiaging. Antiaging product must contain antioxidant and sunscreens compound to protect skin from free radical. Lavender oilwas a popular parfume of cosmetic form because of its antioxidant dan sunscreen activity. Body butter form was needed to increase antiaging activity of lavender oil. The study aimed to evaluate antiaging activity of lavender body butter trough antioxidant and sunscreen activity evaluation. Body butter was made from combination of lavender oil, olive oil, coconut oil beside cocoa butter. DPPH method was used to evaluate antioxidant activity, sunscreen activity was evaluated of the Sun Protection Factor value (SPF), the percentage of erythema transmission (%Te) and percentage of pigmentation (% Tp). The study showed that the body butter formula had IC50 of 56,34 ppm, 6,68 of %Te, 16,34 of %Tp and the SPF value was 10,88. The formula can increase lavender oil’s antioxidant and sunscreen activity and it was need the addition of chemical sunscreen compound such as Zinci Oxyde or Titanium Oxyde. It can concluded body butter had strong antioxidant activity. It can protect the skin to againt UVA ray but less protect from UVB and UVC rays

    Pengaruh Carboxymethyl Celulosa Natrium Sebagai Pengental Terhadap Stabilitas Sirup Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb)

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    Abstract : Carboxymethyl celulosa natrium, Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb syrup, Stability. The lack flavor and amylum contain of Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb cause difficulty to make it in to syrup. Carboxymethyl Celulose Natrium (CMC- Na) as a thickener was needed to solve the problem. The study aim to determine the influence of CMC-Na to syrup’s stability Curcuma xanthorriza. The methode was used to determine stability of syrup formulation with three formula with variations in the amount of 1% CMC-Na solution and 80% sucrose solution. Physical stability parameter of the syrup such as viscosity, acidity and organoleptic analyzed by two way anava. The result showed that CMC-Na effected on viscosity, acidity and organoleptic of the syrup. There are influence of CMC-Na to syrup’s stability


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    The research aimed to determine effervescent powder formula with concentration variation of Celery extract and Tamarind extracts to the taste aspects of the best. The research was a quasi-experimental design with one shot case study. The evaluation was done to three formula with combination of celery extract and tamarind extract 50%:50% (formula A), 75%:25% (formula B), and 25%:75% (formula C). Physical test was conducted on the organoleptic, moisture content, flow rate, angle of repose and time dispersion of formula. Hedonic test performed to assess the response of the resulting flavor. Respondents of hedonic test was 54 students of Jamu Department, Health Polytechnic Surakarta. The results showed that the different combinations of extract affected to color, aroma and taste parameter of organoleptic results and time dispersion. 61% of respondents liked the flavor of formula C. The flavor of formula A and B was favored by 45% of respondents for each formula. The conclusion was there were no differences of taste respons in the hedonic test results because of differences in theconcentration of combination of celery extract and tamarind extract in effervescent powder formula with p = 0.423 (p> 0.05)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi ekstrak seledri dan ekstrak asam jawa terhadap respon rasa yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain One Shot Case Study. Uji dilakukan terhadap tiga formula dengan kombinasi ekstrak seledri dan ekstrak asam jawa 50%:50% (formula A), 75%:25% (formula B), and 25%:75% (formula C). Uji fisik yang dilakukan meliputi organoleptik, pengujian kadar air, uji kecepatan alir, sudut diam dan uji waktu dispersi. Uji hedonik dilakukan untuk menilai respon rasa yang dihasilkan. Responden dalam uji hedonik adalah 54 orang mahasiswa Jurusan Jamu Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan kombinasi ekstrak pada tiap formula berpengaruh pada parameter warna, aroma dan rasa hasil organoleptis serta waktu dispersi formula. 61% responden menyukai formula C. Formula A dan B masing-masing disukai 45% responden. Kesimpulannya adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan respon rasa pada hasil uji hedonic karena perbedaan konsentrasi ekstrak seledri dan ekstrak asam jawa dalam formula serbuk effervescent dengan p= 0,423 (p>0,05)

    The Effectiveness Of Telemedicine To Improve Quality Of Life For Patients In The COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: COVID-19 delivers the effects of health services in form. Health services began to enforce health protocols, especially social distancing. Medical consultations carried out during medical visits become remote medical consultations by maximizing electronic health technology (e-health), telehealth, and/or telemedicine. The use of health technology has increased research on telemedicine’s effectiveness on patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of telemedicine in improving the quality of life of chronic disease patients that require regular visits to health providers during the COVID-19 pandemic during Covid-19 Pandemic. Methods: The research was descriptive. A systematic review with source data from Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Sage databases with the keyword "COVID-19 and telemedicine and health-related quality of life". Criteria were limited to all clinical study articles published during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesian or English and published during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Eleven (11) articles were successfully selected. Telemedicine was used for kidney transplantation or minor stroke patients, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cancer, adrenal insufficiency, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and primary antibody deficiency patients. The instruments used to measure HRQoL were generic (the EQ-5D and SF-36) and specific for some diseases. The results showed that telemedicine could maintain HRQoL and reduce depression or anxiety. Conclusion: Telemedicine is a feasible and effective intervention to maintain HRQoL and reduce the consequences of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendation is telemedicine must continue to be developed in health services even though the COVID-19 pandemic is over


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    Abstract: Temulawak, Syrup, Simplex Lattice. Curcuma xanthorrhiza or temulawak is commonly usedin traditional medicines. Ginger yellow rhizoma contains curcumin, volatile, oil starch, protein, fat,cellulose and minerals. Make syrup is expection for covering weaknesses in wild ginger flavor. SimplexIn a methodology design grating for it to find a formula that both from the form dosage. This researchaims to determine optimum formulation syrup Temulawak use methods that simplex in design throughthe lattice. The methods used to to optimize the formulation syrup with three the formula for period witha variation in number of 1 percent and solutions-Na rose around 80 percent solution (sucrose) which isprocessed further). Parameter of the formula as physical experience the optimum analized by T-test forthe prediction. Results of the study showed that a comparison sucrose as material for sweeteners andCMC Na as material for pengental influence over the nature of their physical and flavor syrup extractingetanolik temulawak, Formula throughput syrup temulawak, in proportion solution CMC Na 1% to10 percent, and solution sucrose 80% of 90 percent, and Syrup that produced from formula throughputstable in storage for 4 weeks


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    Abstract : Scrub, Lotion, Antioxidants. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica L), Temu giring (Curcuma heyneana), cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum Bumani (nees) BI), Kemuning Leaf (Murraya paniculata (L) Jack) and sandalwood (Santalum album) was often combined in the manufacture of scrubs. This research aims to make Hand & Body lotion formula (H & B Lotion) antioxidant containing traditional herbal extract from the botanicals fifth practical that efficacious, stable, safe and preferred by consumers. This research was true experimental research. The antioxidant activity test was used the immersion method against free radical diphenyl -2- 1.1 picrylhydrazyl, the protection ability test using invitro test while irritation test and hedonic tests conducted on volunteers. Emulsions that tested were containing traditional herbal extract with a concentration of 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%. This study concluded that the H & B Lotion was stable with emulsifier concentrations of 4.5% Tween 80, the difference in concentration of the extract didn’t affect the protection ability and the safety of the product but it effect significantly on the efficacy of antioxidants and aroma sensory parameters on hedonic test’s results, Optimal antioxidant activity in traditional herbal extract concentration of 1.5%. The best products based assessment hedonic test was H & B lotion with extract content of 1.0%Keywords: Scrub, Lotion, Antioxidants Link OJS 3 artikel FORMULASI HAND & BODY LOTION ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK LULUR TRADISIONA

    Perilaku Mahasiswi Dalam Perawatan Kecantikan Secara Tradisional

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    Abstract: Behavior, Young Women, Traditional Beauty Care. This study aims to reveal the behavior of a student in a traditional beauty treatments. This study used a qualitative design with sampling technique is purposive sampling and the type of maximum variation sampling. Collecting data using Focus Group Discussion and Interview depth. This study uses 6 informant DKT and 2 informants WM. Test the validity of the data was done by using triangulation. The results showed that most informants understand the sense of beauty treatments and traditional, benefits and problems on the part of the body, the informant also shows a good attitude to the traditional beauty treatments, and the attitude of informants in beauty treatments traditionally reaches levels responsible attitude. Activity informant in beauty treatments has traditionally been reached on the level of activity adoption

    Formulasi dan Uji Stabilitas Fisik Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Daun Ketepeng Cina (Cassia alata L.)

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    Cassia alata L. leaf contains flavonoids which have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, antioxidants and antifungal effects. The traditional application of it requires long preparation time so we need a formulation with more practical and durable storage is needed. Gel formulation was chosen because it is easy to dry, forming an easy to wash film layer and give a sense of cold on the skin. Gel components affect the stability of the gel. Physical stability is analyzed to ensure that the formulated gel’s quality, safety and benefits meet the specifications and survive during storage. This study aimed to create a gel formula and analysed its physical stability test of Cassia alata L. leaf extract gel. Research design adopted in this study was an experimental laboratory. Optimum gel formula determined by variations in the concentration of sodium carboxymethyl celulose (CMCNa). Gel that meet the criteria of homogeneity, consistency, pH and spreadibility was set as the optimum formula. Physical stability of optimum formula was analyzed by organoleptic, homogeneity test, pH test, viscosity test and spredability test. Gel that meets the acceptance criteria are Cassia alata L. leaf extract gel with CMC-Na concentration of 3% those determined as the optimum formula. Stability analysis of optimum formula didn’t show any changes in pH, color, smell and taste, although it changes of the shape, viscosity and spreadibility were found. The optimum formula gel obtained by the concentration of CMC-Na 3%. results were less stable during the 8 weeks of storage at a temperature of 40°C


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    ABSTRACT Curcuma  xanthorrhiza  that  contain  of  curcumin  and  essential  oil  make  the  taste  isn’t delicious. Syrup form can  cover the lack of the flavor. The study aimed to describe the results of the physical stability test and hedonic test  of Curcuma syrup. It  was an experimental research by analyzing  the  physical stability and hedonic quality of Curcuma syrup. Physical stability test was done  by  storing  the  syrup  at  a  temperature  of  400C  for  8  weeks,  analyzing  the  organoleptic, viscosity  and  acidity  (pH)  every  2  weeks.  55  of  4th semester  students,  Jamu  Department, Polytechnic of Surakarta, 2014/2015  act as a semi-trained panelists in a hedonic test. The results concluded that the viscosity of syrup which was originally ± 190 mP.as decreased in storage for 2 weeks  to ± 170 mP.as and  finally stabilized  to week 8th. The acidity degree   stable at pH 4. The   organoleptics were  no  change,    it  was  brownish  yellow,  a  distinctive  smell  of  curcuma,  citrus flavor    and  texture  rather  thick.  The  panelists’  assessment  against  the  syrup  was  70.91%  of panelists liked the scent, 78.18% of panelists liked the taste, 85.46% of panelists liked the  texture and 83.64% panelists liked  the color of syrup. Keywords: Curcuma, Syrup, physical stability, hedoni


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    In order to fulfill the needs of medicine supply as well as to guarantee its stability in the society, the government commits to have a revitalization to the policy of generic medicine through the Regulation of Health Ministry of Indonesia number HK. 02.02/MENKES/068/I/2010 about The Compulsory of Using Generic medicine in all government health centers. This research aimed to recognize the implementation of the policy that encouraged medics to use generic medicine in three government public type-B hospitals throughout former Surakarta residency. This is a descriptive research by applying the combination of qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data were taken from the quantity of generic medicine in formulary and prescription form in pharmacy outpatient and inpatient on July � September 2010. The qualitative data were taken from the result of interview to the Head of Pharmacy and Treatment Committee and the Head of Pharmacy Office in three hospitals located in the former Surakarta residence. The sample for this research was taken in a proportionate stratified random sampling method. The decision to have number of sample was done based on Solvin Formula, with 95% of probability (� = 0,05). The quantitative data was served in the table form to see a change visually. The qualitative data was served textually, as the support for the quantitative data. From the research result, it could be concluded that not all of medicine that were stored in formulary was a generic one (with the percentage of 33,81%), the stored medicine in formulary was not appropriate with The Regulation of Health Ministry (with the percentage of 75, 47%), medicine in formulary had not been maximally used (the percentage of generic medicine that was mentioned in prescription based on formulary was 74, 02%, the percentage of medical store service to the supply of generic medicine was 97, 52%, the percentage of generic medicine that was written as a branded medicine in formulary was 14, 26%), the attitude of making a prescription on generic medicine has not applied maximally yet (with the percentage of 80, 67%), almost all of generic medicine within hospitals was underserved (with the percentage of 0,30 % for generic medicine that later changed into a branded one and 0,32 % that was not available at all), a branded medicine that was written in the prescription had not been substituted into a generic one (with the percentage of 8, 81% for those which had already been converted into generic). An obstacle in the realization of government policy about the use of generic medicine in the public type B hospitals from all former Surakarta residency was related to the passiveness of Pharmacy Committee and Therapy in making a socialization and in revising formulary in order to make it more appropriate with the government policy about the use of generic medicine